by tempestfeir » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:30 am
"And this graphic driver thing-amajig: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M with 1GB VRAM"
Good News, you have a Nvidia card, (I prefer those)
It's a Geforce GT 520m, which means it's about 2 years old I think, and the M stands for Mobile, it's the laptop version of the graphics card, compared to those big beasts you see inside our desktop comps. It is not the best of the best cards, but it is a good card none-the-less. Also it has 1GB of DEDICATED as in this ram is a part of the card itself, before it starts trying to use your 8gb of DDR3 System Ram
as for this Dell XPS 14z X14z-3846SLV
Company: Dell
Laptop Design Model: XPS
Further Design customization: 14z (14-stands for 14inch display, see there are also XPS 16s) (z is probably refering to Ultra, because there were XPS14's in the past. (Companies will have a brand name for a line, and when changes come out every year so they can maintain selling the unit at a premium cost, they change a letter or number on the end.(Think DIfference between a Macbook 13, Macbook 16, and a Macbook pro 14, and Macbook pro 18<-using semi fictional numbers to prove a point)
Some sort of internal product code, and reference to silver probably (your case colour): X14z3846SLV
That sir is all you need to know.
Also congrats, you got about a 1-1.5k machine there. Do Not Lose It