King of The Hill

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King of The Hill

by briley0407 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:08 am

I'm planning on making a King of The Hill event in nc. :3
It's going to be where everyone will get stone swords. (V.I.P.s get iron and bows.) and fight for hills. There will be 3-4. You will put your color of wool on the hill and claim it. The other team can break your wool and put theirs. They have to bring your wool to the middle chest (on the highest hill). I don't wanna run out of wool. No armor will be provided. You can only use what you are provided with.
I will need:
Red & Blue wool
Iron and stone swords
helpers (obviously)
A flat area (if somebody could help find one)
that's all

Helper Template:
If you can donate, what will you donate?
Are you a good builder? (Pics if you can)
and that's all!
I'm hoping to make this event possible atleast in May or June and get as many players as possible. Clans can come together as 1 team. I will try and host this as long as I can. There will be spectators if you have not been signed up. Signing will be open when this event is out of "early alpha".
^steam account friend me C:
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