Now, the Babies will have certain ranks in which they perform tasks, I'll list them now.
This rank is the highest, and are the leaders of the clan. They keep order, and make sure nothing wrong happens. They also change the diapers!
These are the co-leaders, they help the Full-Diapers, keep notice of the situations, and make sure all the lower ranks are acting properly.
These are like the Veterans of the clan, the ones that can still keep people in order, but can't actually do anything too serious about it.
One of the lowest ranks, they need guidance from the higher ranks, and don't know what they can get themselves into.
They have just entered the world, and don't know what's ahead of them, they must rely on everything in front of them to survive.
[Full Diaper][High Diaper][Low Diaper][Toddler][Newborn]
Anybody can apply, so here's the application:
Have you been banned?
Do you like Babies? Have you eaten any Babies?
Why would you like to join the clan?
Which rank would you like to be?
Would you like to have the tag?
P.S. Tell me what you think of the way I put the Members, do you like it, no? Be honest.
Also, Arjan has his own Special Rank. Grandpa Diapers. =)
And I'm going to be asking Zerg for the clan tag whenever's he's on, so we'll see what he says!
Also, Baby has an HQ/Base being made. If you wanna know where it is, PM me in-game.