Frost clan

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Frost clan

by Icefang113 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:23 am

It's been almost three years since the initial post, so might as well update it.

Established during the summer of 2012 Frost clan is one of the four elemental clans of Kreatious. Frost's sister elemental clans consist of Sky, Terra, and Flame; of these clans both Sky and Frost are still relatively active.

With Frost's two (going on three) years of existence it does have some history. Frost was initially established by me (Icefang) with another mod, TheOWCA, and the backing if some other close friends. As time marched on friends and clan mates came and left, currently Frost is jointly operated by Maxmm and I.

When the New Continent doubled the map size in 2012 Frost planned with its sister clans to build an Elemental City in the new map expansion, unfortunately several events happened and the plans for a Elemenal City were cancelled. At this point The_Bomb, Kyro, OWCA, and I established Frost City and got the first New Continent waypoint.

So many of you might be asking "Why should I join Frost?" The answer is that Frost is one of the oldest active clans on the server and we will quietly continue to expand Frost City (along with other projects) and hopefully continue growing numbers in the years to come.

Any rank can join Frost, the only requirement is that you have a relatively clean ban record and to be respectful to other players. If you are interested in joining the application format is found under the member list.

Rank system:

Blizzard- The leaders of the clan, this rank is highly unlikely to get.
Snow storm- The senior members of the clan, they have proven themselves trust worthy, active, and helpful. They also help the leaders.
Hail- The veterans of the clan, they have been with the clan for awhile and are active.
Icicle- These are the players who have been with the clan long enough to know how things run.
Snowflake- The recruits of the clan and also the lowest rank (everyone starts as a snowflake)

Icefang113- Blizzard
maxmmm1501- Blizzard
the_bomb- Blizzard
TheOWCA- Blizzard
Morpher26- Snow storm
SquareDot- Snow storm
dragonslayer1200- Icicle
SDOR3- Snow storm
pyrusbrawler30- Snow storm
Cruiserman- Snow storm
Zuko135- Icicle
huskeriniowa- Icicle
ChubbyPikachu25- Snowflake
Chillex- Icicle
leftypitcher28- Icicle
XeatsrainbowsX- Snowflake
InFamousFalcon- Icicle
masterbuilder728- Snowflake
X_Kyro_X- Snow storm
samp32- Snowflake
007coolcube- Kiwi storm
beardown98- Icicle
kmystery- Icicle
flower25- Icicle
Nahuda- Hail
blahblahblahsuck- Icicle
masy1- Icicle
DefalZalu- Icicle
Mattallamune72- Snowflake
keefin- Snowflake
delrio567- Icicle
Duskdrinker- Snowflake
NeXCrafter- Snowflake
R34PTHEWORLD111- Snowflake
GerbilScream- Hail
Rikus_girl731- Snowflake
zorahclan- Snowflake
Sir_Mooch- Icicle
WARKRANK- Snow storm
rances16- Snowflake
gotmilkguy84- Icicle
sos_sniper_909- Icicle
SamkoCrafter- Snowflake
xAdairx- Snowflake
Gr33dyKill3r- Snowflake
SatansSprite- Snowflake
demize326- Snowflake
mdmunoz_671- Snowflake
D3ATHcanKILL - Snowflake
AmericanCrafter - Snowflake
TonedTyphoon - Snowflake
Vijay16 - Snowflake
Comedian14 - Snowflake
Ozite090 - Snowflake
purple_zeby -Snowflake
kitikat13 - Snowflake
Theojj - Snowflake
RizioRules- Snowflake
awesomeapg - Snowflake
Zdenle - Snowflake
_DeathKiller_ - Snowflake
RhiannonTheWeird - Snowflake
roboghast - Snowflake
x_seizure_x - Snowflake
solarsteve - Snowflake
Hommelgardigan - Snowflake
stormbringer1 - Snowflake
Shenjtor - Snowflake
Codename23 - Snowflake
Ostricho - Snowflake
Novite7 - Snowflake
chitchat101 - Snowflake
24minecrafter7 - Snowflake
FrostWolf792 - Snowflake
YoshiUchiha - Snowflake
Gamefreak3000 - Snowflake
lil_FROWNF - Snowflake
Alkosor - Snowflake
CORYPS3 - Snowflake
NankoHime - Snowflake
Pejminer - Snowflake
shaneizcrazy33 - Snowflake
Agge_sgn - Snowflake
Eevee202 - Snowflake
kutay_demir - Icicle
deathkoala72 - Snowflake
emeraldcreeper10 - Snowflake
DdrBlah - Snowflake
Vilkan - Snowflake
The_Robotic_Eng - Snowflake
alendgaming123 - Snowflake

To join fill out this form

Server rank:
Ban history:
Do you want the tag:

Also here is the clan banner
Thank you Pyrus for making it!
Code: Select All Code

Or - code that also links to the post via the image
Code: Select All Code

And another banner by kutay_demir!
Code: Select All Code

Again, code that links to post via image
Code: Select All Code
Last edited by Icefang113 on Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Frost clan

by morpher26 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:42 am

Server rank:rsd :)
Ban history: one in 1.7 got banned for 3 days because a creeper exploded next to me on a friends house

good job on finally making the clan
Joined: Fri May 18, 2012 3:32 am

Re: Frost clan

by SquareDot » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:48 am

IGN: SquareDot
Server rank: Veteran
Ban history: NO!
Do you want the tag: AHH! I don't know! [Frost] or [Sky]?! [Frost?] ooorrr [Sky]?!
"Catch you on the flip side..."


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Re: Frost clan

by dragonslayer1200 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:52 am

IGN: Dragonslayer (dragonslayer1200)
Bans?: nerp
Rank ig: Donor
tag?: no ty

Steam: dragonsl1200
PSN: dragonsl1200
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Re: Frost clan

by cruiserman » Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:47 pm

Do I have to fill this out?
I like tacos. Why you no like tacos?
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Re: Frost clan

by SDOR3 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:20 pm

Server rank: Vtn
Ban history: Dun think I've been banned
Do you want the tag: No thanks I have Sky Clan

Also Sky would like an alliance, if that's ok. :D
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Re: Frost clan

by pyrusbrawler30 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:34 pm

IGN: Pyrusbrawler30
Server rank: Vtn
Ban history: Oncewhen italia went insane, but we cleared it up and i was clean ;D
Do you want the tag: no thx

I wanna join for the irony :lol:. Gratz on fIIIIIIIIInally making this. Can i request an alliance with Flame?
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Re: Frost clan

by the_bomb » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:19 pm

IGN: the_bomb
Server rank: Donor
Ban history: none
Do you want the tag: Yesh please
Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:22 pm

Re: Frost clan

by Icefang113 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:09 pm

cruiserman Wrote:Do I have to fill this out?

IF you don't want to you don't have to, you can message me in game or ask me on TS.

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Re: Frost clan

by TheOWCA » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:19 pm

cruiserman Wrote:Do I have to fill this out?

Or you could ask me, either way works
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