(way over due) Hello Kreatious and her people!

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(way over due) Hello Kreatious and her people!

by xXxshadowsneak » Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:06 am

I've been on Kreatious for almost 90 hours now, but never made a hello topic! I think I should have a thwack at it, right?
I am known (not even close, stop thinking that you are known!) as the miner. I love to mine, a lot. I have switched homes two times. The first because of a major grief and I didn't want to rebuild, and the second because /home glitched and I lost my home.
I respect the staff and everyone else on the server. I won't be rude or mean to you unless you provoke me. And even then I might ignore you. I might get very, very angry if you grief me. And will seek revenge :3
I love the people of Kreatious. I have grown attached to them, grown to know and love them. Wall-e is an awesome bot! And I love how Zerg added him, he's a good troll and spam remover. I love how the mods start a kick (reason) war, it's always funny! The mods here are funny as well, and won't let a grief go unnoticed.
So keep at it Kreatious, you're awesome!
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Re: (way over due) Hello Kreatious and her people!

by Nahuda » Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:54 am

Welcome, I suppose! Good to hear you're enjoying the server. :)
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Re: (way over due) Hello Kreatious and her people!

by snowbrdd » Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:43 pm

Not sure its a welcome at this point. However I shall say Hello!
Joined: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:36 am

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