CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by GG1LL3S » Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:15 am


Been Banned?: Yeah :(

Why?? When i tried to say snapshot i accidently typed an i instead of an o so wall-e banned me :( never been banned for grief so dont worry about that

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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by FPSrusher » Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:34 am


Count me in! but no tag plox.
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by trentcast » Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:25 am

SilEsper Wrote:
trentcast Wrote:And maybe link into the round the map edge subway i'm building too.

Your building a subway around the map? I was starting to build paths in the nether. I've got 4 tunnels partially dug in each of the 4 directions from a portal near /spawn and 3/4 portals made at what I believe is the edge of the nc. Maybe we could make portals along your subway line as well?

What are the specs for your subway (y elevation, is the tunnel height horse capable, 1 rail only or 1 rail for each direction, etc)?

Somewhat related:
What are the boundary coordinates of the oc and nc continents?

Hmm...portals at periodic points would be interesting. The original idea was to have little stations at regular intervals; that would be a neat addition.

The tunnel is 5 wide by 3 high, 3 1/2 high on the sides. There are rails going both directions for passengers; freight would need the occasional push from a player. I believe the the elevation at your feet is 40, maybe. The idea was to stand on the ocean floor and the tunnel floor would be level with it.

So far it's only along a quarter of the map "bottom" (North ingame oc, bottom of the map on from next to cornerstone to the map corner.

Well, the map "corner" is the former map boundary at x or z= +-4000. The "new" map boundary is +-5000. So the subway runs along the glitch defining the old border.

Make sense? Long ways to go!
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by SilEsper » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:57 am

trentcast Wrote:Hmm...portals at periodic points would be interesting. The original idea was to have little stations at regular intervals; that would be a neat addition.

Some specs for my system:
My netherrail system and my overworld subway has it's floor at y 11. I believe the idea was to be at the same level as any lava encountered (_Subvertio_ started the first tunnel's height not me and I've continued using it). It conveniently seems to go below most lava in the nether.

It is a 3 wide (6 including walls), 3 high tunnel with rails in both directions and a 2 high space in the center with ice to sprint and jump on for more speed (although that might not be allowed). I am currently in the process of adding rails and junctions.

Each junction has been color/block-coded and is a relatively simple roundabout design. I've tended to ask people who's stations will be near the junction for a favorite color/block (NICK0891's red junction) or have chosen an appropriate block myself (Redstone for GG1LL3S's junction, Ice for Chillville).
Lapis station:

I've also been working on a standard non-junction stop design.

The only problem I've currently had with it is if the speed coming into the station is not correct it will go over the first powered rail that is supposed to stop it and might not make it up the next hill. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Does it have to be CCC or can we generalize it to KDOT (Kreatious Department of Transportation) or something? Sorry if I'm kind of taking over the topic.

Some update on progress or a time when we will start building and where would be nice. I would love to work on this.
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by pyrusbrawler30 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:26 am

SilEsper Wrote:with ice to sprint and jump on for more speed (although that might not be allowed

perfectly fine, many people use it.
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by Romedy » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:20 pm

I need to post a couple photos of my rail stations. Simple redstone with a nor-latch to flip rails and also light up a lamp to indicate selection.
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by SilEsper » Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:19 pm

Romedy Wrote:I need to post a couple photos of my rail stations. Simple redstone with a nor-latch to flip rails and also light up a lamp to indicate selection.

How simple are they? I was working on junction number 11 when I stopped for the day. Mine simply have buttons powering redstone leading to torches that power the powered rails and the intersection.

How reliable are they? Do they have any problems with multiple carts or varying speeds? Do they work in 4 directions? Do they work with 2 lane track designs?

How do they look? Please do post photos.

Sorry for all the questions.

To anyone else in the nc: if you want to be connected, make a portal at y 11 and message me the coordinates of both blocks of the floor of the portal as well as a list of preferred blocks/colors.
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by Raurgbrom » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:36 pm

IGN: Raurgbrom
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Why?? N/A
Cookies or Brownies? Cookies! :D
Pancakes or Waffles? Easily pancakes with some bananas and blueberries cooked into it... yum.

I can donate a good amount of materials, but it's questionable how much I can actually do in way of labor due to school.
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by AmericanCrafter » Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:46 am

IGN: AmericanCrafter
Been Banned: Yes
Why: 20 minutes. /rules grief
Cookies or Brownies: Cookies are my favorite dessert
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Re: CCC ( Continent Connection Crew)

by comedian14 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:20 am


Been Banned?: Yeah :(

Why?? When i tried to say snapshot i accidently typed an i instead of an o so wall-e banned me :( never been banned for grief so dont worry about that

Cookies or Brownies? Cookies :D

Pancakes or Waffles?? Waffles
FPSrusher Wrote:FPSrusher

Count me in! but no tag plox.
Raurgbrom Wrote:IGN: Raurgbrom
Been Banned?: Nope
Why?? N/A
Cookies or Brownies? Cookies! :D
Pancakes or Waffles? Easily pancakes with some bananas and blueberries cooked into it... yum.

I can donate a good amount of materials, but it's questionable how much I can actually do in way of labor due to school.
AmericanCrafter Wrote:IGN: AmericanCrafter
Been Banned: Yes
Why: 20 minutes. /rules grief
Cookies or Brownies: Cookies are my favorite dessert
Pancakes or Waffles: PANCANKES :D

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