Impetus Games

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Impetus Games

by pyrusbrawler30 » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:27 pm

Hallo all! Been a while hasn't it? Even more so to those of you who haven't seen me on the server from time to time! Now then, down to business.

Since approx..... November of last year, A good friend of mine approached me with the idea of opening a channel on Youtube, and i went ahead! We were aiming for videos beginning in March, but we missed that by quite a bit. However, We have videos going up now!

If you'd like to take a look, visit us at Impetus Games! ... GkuSK8BCyQ

If you like whats there so far, lets us know! Do spread the name around! Thanks!
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Re: Impetus Games

by masy1 » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:32 pm

well um YES
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Re: Impetus Games

by centivex7 » Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:33 am

That sounds soo neat!
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Re: Impetus Games

by pyrusbrawler30 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:39 pm

Currently approaching the end of Chapter 1 of my Skyrim series! If you haven't seen it, now's your chance to start!

EDIT 1: More more more! more things have been done! Assassin's Creed II finished some time ago, and chapter 2 of Skyrim is approaching its end! Currently rendering the Finale as I type! If you haven't been keeping tabs, go catch up! Should you like what you see, sub to keep track of my uploads!

EDIT 2:Alright! Track season is over, and just in time For The Witcher 3! Now beginning this series, can't wait to see what this game holds! Come watch! ... GkuSK8BCyQ

EDIT 3: *flash forward*

been a while since an update happened, eh? maybe I should make episode 2 of updates... >.>

Lol witcher 3 didn't end up as a playthrough at all, but Skyrim is progressing, Brotherhood is progressing (slowly), the Finale of Xenoblade goes up tonight, and i have a new Indie Adventures going up as well!
Last edited by maxmmm1501 on Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: quadrouple posting, use edit and the bump button
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Re: Impetus Games

by pyrusbrawler30 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:29 pm

Hey hey! Time for another update!

First off, woop woop for 40 subs and just short of 5,000 views, and yeah while small, it's cool to see a little hobby get noticed even in the slightest. :>

Currently split between like 4 series right now... >.> Dolphin Diving is still underway, Skyrim is still underway, Indie Adventures is still underway, (That's rather a lot of underway's) And I have a few others I'm working on. Currently waiting to resume big series like Skyrim until I upgrade my monitor. I want no more of this 900p stuff for footage, simply because every video produced looks smudged... In the meantime, series that don't suffer as much from it will continue.

I've updated the channel art a touch, not re-branding in any way, just cleaning things up as i improve at editing with, which really comes in handy. Here's hoping I might at some point make it to 100 subs, and be able to lock in a custom URL for the channel!

That's about all I've got to report for now, stay tuned for more soon!

(And yes Max I did see your edit, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the notification now doesn't it? :L
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