
Denied Ban Appeals will be moved here

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by soberminecraft » Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:01 am

Mod edit:
Forgot about the format for ban appeals. oops.
In game name: ThisIsMYNamebro
person who banned me: icefang113
reason for ban: "continuing my 'weed' issue and idling in q"

To Icefang,
I am submitting this ban request from an alternate account because my primary account has been banned on both the forums and the server. I truthfully believe that the ban issued on my Minecraft account was unfair. I was told by two mods whom I believe are your close friends that it would be okay for me to build what you banned me for, the word "weeds". Not only did those mods tell me that I could build that structure, but you were present and did not show any opposition to their decision. I was told "If you are unsure, ask." I asked my question. I got two answers from the three mods online. Both were yes. Then, I built my structure and when I noticed you were online I notified you that I had built it and asked you to come check it to tell me if there was an issue with it. After plenty of time and multiple questions directed to you and answered by you I tabbed out. I was attempting to do work related to my college. Despite my inactivity, which I would assume was the reason for you not responding to my question of whether or not I could build such a structure the day before this ban occurred, you banned me for not responding in questioning. When I tabbed out you were fewer than 10 blocks away from me. You could have easily seen that I was not moving. You could have assumed that I was truly inactive. My friend, angryxtroll, mentioned that I was inactive and working on something else so you threw him in questioning and then dismissed his concerns. All I want from this server is fair ground. I'm not trying to "kick the hornets nest" as you said. I had asked permission to build what I built, and I notified you when I built it (or else none of this would have occurred, at least not until I had my regular checkup from a random mod.) I'm unsure whether or not you've rolled back my build. I assume you have. For the reason that I was given permission by other notable mods I am requesting that I am unbanned and my build is brought back by you, Icefang113. I hope my request is reasonable and my stance is understandable. If not I suppose I will have to resign, and discontinue my playership on kreatious. It is incredibly frustrating and difficult to be told I can do certain things by certain mods, and then be banned and punished by mods close to aforementioned mods.
Last edited by maxmmm1501 on Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Please edit instead of double posting
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Re: ThisIsMYNameBro

by Icefang113 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:24 pm

The issue of the matter is more of contextualization of the sign. The way you built it you were trying to imply the implicit definition of "weed." In fact, you knew what you were doing.

While "weeds" is okay the context in which you built this and the fact you were trying to skirt the rules is enough of a reason to ban.

As a footnote: we've been relatively patient with you and have been willing to give you a second chance. If this behavior continues we won't be as lenient.

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Re: ThisIsMYNameBro

by maxmmm1501 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:46 pm

We told you you could write the word "weeds" not the word WEEDs. You're clearly just trying to push the boundary and if you push enough you go over. I can't say "firetruck" with capitalization that emphasizes certain letters (you know which ones i'm talking about, don't play dumb to make me explain) in global. The screenshots provided CLEARLY show that your intent was to say something you're not allowed to without getting in trouble. Had the S been the same size as the rest of the sign, I'm sure everything would have been fine. I don't believe ice would have banned you in that case (if he had I would have been very uncertain as to why).

As for you not being there: I don't know if you tabbed out while in Q or before you were brought in. If you did so while in Q it is 100% your fault that you got banned for not responding. If you tabbed out before you were brought in, then I can sympathize but it just happened to be poor timing. I however, doubt that was the case. You logged in right after you were banned, which is suspicious if you had been tabbed out.

Regarding all of this, I personally wouln't have banned you for as long but you definitely did deserve the ban as you are trying to bypass the "spirit" of the rules using technicalities that don't really hold up. You've proven time and time again that you are a troublesome player, and that very much lowers our patience when dealing with you.
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Re: ThisIsMYNameBro

by SDOR3 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:17 am

I'm going to pull a classic 'Sdor responds even though this ban appeal is in denied, literally to just deny it again' so here we go.

1. I don't understand your fascination with skirting the rules. You should just follow them. There's no need to make a scene and be difficult. (here, and on the server) This entire ban appeal is built upon you misrepresenting the meaning of our statement and the word 'weeds'. You wrote 'WEEDs'. It's blatantly obvious what is emphasized in that word. It's like me writing ASSumption, 'see guys I just spelled 'assumption' nothing wrong here :^).' The same premise applies to what you've done, and I believe that you were fully aware of this. Honestly, in the screen shots linked by Icefang you seem to be bragging about misrepresenting our words. You knew what you were doing. If that's not proof, I don't know what is.

2. Tabbing out while in Q is not ok. If a player logs out while in Q, or goes unresponsive they are banned. Trying to claim you were 'doing your college works' doesn't fly. You log out or are unresponsive for a period of time, that's what happens. Your friend Angryxtroll should know that as well. I've banned him for logging out in Q before. I find it surprising he did not inform you seeing as he was presumably in contact with you while you were 'doing your college works'. . .

3. We've been nothing but lenient, and I know I've tried to be amiable towards you. Now you're behaving like this. I'm beginning to regret supporting Icefang in his decision to unmute you. If your behavior continues you're going to end up permabanned. Yes, permabanned. Not muted, because you're clearly showing an intent to break the rules by building tasteless structures. If you truly 'can't play on a server that isn't clear with the rules' then please, do so. It makes our job easier. You are not guilt tripping anyone by saying this.

That is all. tl;dr you deserved your ban; change your behavior or you'll get perma'd. Your behavior is comparable to that of an edgy 14 year-old who just discovered how to 'troll'. If you're going to act with an intent that resembles the former, then we'll treat you like the former and ban you. End of discussion.
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